S1 Episode 17: Selfhood | Sovereignty – with Rishi Dastidar

Why don’t more of us actually question a little bit some of these inheritances, some of the things we take for granted, like contours of nations, like our relative positions in social standings, like our participations in systems of governance?

Is that a fanfare of brazen trumpets? Why? Well, it’s our season finale! Join our audience with the regal Rishi Dastidar who tells us about the declaration of sovereignty made by his eponymous hero Saffron Jack  – a hugely impressive long poem, glittering with biting satire, postcolonial thinking, humour and logical inevitability. Then, a tad wistfully, Robin and Peter wind up Season 1, with your poetic pals taking a few moments to reflect on what they’ve learnt from making seventeen bedazzling episodes of your favourite podcast. Thank you for listening! We’ll be back…