S1 Episode 11: Xs & Os | zeros and ones – with Kathryn Maris

‘The book is very much about unreliable narration, and identification and projection, and a distorted lenses through which I and probably everyone else perceives things… What follows is going to be delivered through a very subjective lens.’

Enigmatic hey?  In this episode we are delighted to hear from exiled New Yorker Kathryn Maris who shares her strange and sometimes hilarious tall tales (full of unheroic and unreliable protagonists) from her collection The House with Only an Attic and a Basement.  Plus Robin gets a bit starry and stripy reading US magazines Rattle and Poetry — and uncovers a can of worms.  Peter, meanwhile, thinks he’s glimpsed poetry’s gleaming future, and it’s bleeping brilliant! Robin remains strangely underwhelmed.